Sunday, June 2, 2019

United Nations Childrens Fund :: essays research papers

Introduction(United Nations Childrens Fund UNICF, n.d.)The United Nations Childrens Fund (UNICEF) is a leading advocate for women and children rights. Founded in 1946 and active in 157 countries and territories nearly the world. The UNICEF has committed it resources to achieve results for children in five major areasRights to an educationBest possible start in lifeSafeguard against disease, provide immunizationsStop distribute of AIDS/HIV and care for those already infectedProtection from violence, exploitation, abuse and discriminationUNICEFs mission is to remain focus on these five priorities entirely over the world in every(prenominal) circumstances including conflicts, war, natural disasters, emergencies and also in times of peace.In order to accomplish their mission UNICEFs focus must take into account ethics in patternning and the factors of strategy, tactics, operations and contingency which influence each plan in attention.Strategy Management at The United Nations Ch ildrens Fund (UNICEF) must have a strategic plan which serves as the framework to build A World Fit for Children.(UNICEF UNICEF, 1998) To plan strategically management must take into account UNCEF vision and mission and there strengths, weakness and threats to accomplish their goals.(World Health Organization WHO, 2003, 1) An example of this is UNICEF working with all those who share their commitment to the rights of every child. Organizations such as World Health Organization (WHO) who have been working with UNICEF on a strategy to fight vaccine-preventable diseases called The orbicular Immunization Vision and Strategy (GIVS) goal is to fight vaccine-preventable diseases, which kill more than two million people every year, two thirds of those killed are children. WHO and UNICEF will aid governments in designing, financing and implementing national immunization programs while also taking into account ethics involving culture and religious beliefs of those who do not believe in imm unizations.TacticalThe tactical plan of United Nations Childrens Fund (UNICEF) management must describe how the organizations goals will be met and by when. It must also fee-tail plans to help assure ethical business practices through aside UNICEF. The success of these goals will depend on the quality of there programs, information, communication, advocacy and the excellence of their internal management and operations. UNICEF management must hold them selves accountable to do all that they can for the success of their goals by planning, monitoring, evaluating, and reporting to achieve the results in the five major areas to potpourri the world to serve the best interest of the child.OperationalOperational planning in Management at the United Nations Childrens Fund (UNICEF) is setting out clearly the implementation of the strategic plan against specific objectives.

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